On December 6, 2022, the Theoretical Economics Breakout Session of the Young Scientists Forum of the China Center for Special Economic Zone Research (CCSEZR) (the key research base of humanities and social science under the Ministry of Education) was held online and offline at the Huiwen building. Attending the forum were Prof. Tao Yitao, Director of CCSEZR and President of the Belt and Road Research Institution (Shenzhen) for International Cooperation and Development (BRRI), Prof. Yuan Yiming, Deputy Director Prof. Li Fan, Associate Prof. Zhang Ping and Assistant Prof. Ma Limei. Among the online attendees were Prof. Yao Feng from West Virginia University, USA and Postdoctoral Researcher Luo Yifeng from Columbia University. The forum was chaired by Prof. Yuan Yiming, and taken online by post doctors, Ph.D. and master students in Theoretical Economics.
Prof. Tao delivers a speech
Prof. Tao pointed out that the convening of the first Young Scientists Forum marks a promising beginning of CCSEZR. It is the platform of academic exchange and inspiration communication for young academics, where the research achievements can be studied and through which more youth would be attracted to join the CCSEZR. In addition to knowledge accumulation and professional spirit, academic research requires perseverance, which is the key for an individual to succeed, and for an academic think tank to stand firm in the academic world. Persistence is a fundamental trait to success.
During the forum, young scholars gave lectures on current frontier academic issues, involving new estimation methods in econometrics, donation-based crowdfunding, carbon neutrality & energy transition and peer effect on non-cognitive skills. The audience benefited greatly.
Prof. Yao Feng gives a lecture titled “A new estimator of a jump discontinuity in regression”

Prof. Li Fan presents a lecture titled “Explore the conformity behavior in donation-based crowdfunding”

Assistant Prof. Ma Limei gives a lecture titled “Carbon neutrality, government low-carbon behavior and renewable energy innovation”

Dr. Luo Yifeng gives a lecture titled “The impact of peer non-cognitive skills on college grades, own non-cognitive skills, and graduate program enrollment”
In the meeting summary, Prof. Yuan Yiming specified that the forum reflected the insight of young scholars into academic theories, their abilities to capture practical problems, and scientific analysis. CCSEZR will continue to facilitate academic exchanges among young scientists, provide a platform for talent growth, and produce more excellent research fruits.
Prof. Yuan Yiming presides over and summarizes the meeting

Group photo of the forum
The first Young Scientists Forum ended successfully with the applause of the participating scholars.