studies on China's special economic zones (No.4)
2012-07-11 author:Yuan Yiming

Exclusive Interview.. 2
Justin Yifu Lin’s responses to the 4 interview questions by the Shenzhen SEZ Magazine:2
Africa- East Asia Experience Exchange. 6
on Special Economic Zones & Competitive Clusters6
The History, Present and Future of China’s Special Economic Zones8
Theoretical Study. 14
A Theoretical Study of Economic Growth in Shenzhen. 14
General Analysis. 51
Essentials of China’s Special Economic Zones51
Special Economic Zones and China’s Road. 72
Shenzhen: New Origin. 84
Industry Study and Others. 96
What Creates the Shenzhen Industrial Miracle?. 96
China’s Two Powerful Growth Engines: Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Industrial Clusters– How do They Drive China’s Rapid Development?. 110
Research On Social Pension Insurance Financing Model In Shenzhen Thirty Years Reforms—Testing on “Allen Condition”. 167
On Rebuilding Development Mechanism of Social Programs---Taking the Reform of Shenzhen’s Public Institutions for Example. 151
Influence of asset specificity to the industry transformation in Shenzhen Jialong GU Jia YU
Review and lessons. 224
Textual Research Of Formation And Development Background Of The Shenzhen Securities Market 224
Historical Legacy: Memoirs of Special Economic Zones: Opening up a New Road through a Bumpy Journey 263
政権交代期における地方分権と行財政改革.. 273
Viewpoints Summarizing. 283
Overview of South-South Experience Exchange between East Asia and Africa on Special Economic Zones and Competitive Clusters in China