![]() Tel:+ +86-755-26538246 E-mail: yongw@szu.edu.cn Research Interest: Social Security, Income Distribution Education 2007-2012 Ph.D. in Economics, Yokohama City University, Japan 2005-2007 Master of Economics, Yokohama City University, Japan Work Experience 2007-2012 National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan, Research Assistant Publications 1. Wei Yong (2009), Trend of Income Inequality in China and the Effect of Public Pension System (in Japanese), Research on the way of Benefits and Burden of Social Security, Focusing on the Relationship between Income, Assets, Consumption and Social Insurance Premium (2009), National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, 353-363. 2. Wei Yong, Yoshihiro Kaneko (2010), Relationship between Income Redistribution and Sustainability in Financing of a Public Pension System in China: An Application of Actuarial Projection Analysis (in Japanese), Japanese Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol.47, No.1,67-79. 3.Yoshihiro Kaneko, Wei Yong (2010), Decomposition of Income Inequality in China (in Japanese), Research on the way of Benefits and Burden of Social Security, Focusing on the Relationship between Income, Assets, Consumption and Social Insurance Premium (2010), National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, 325-335. 4.Wei Yong(2011), Decomposition of Income Inequality in China and the Effect of Progressive Tax and Redistribution Policy (in Japanese), The Review of Comparative Social Security Research, No.177,77-91. 5. Wei Yong (2015), Development of Qianhai Area from the Perspective of Institutional Innovation, Studies on China’s Special Economic Zones, Vol.8, 105-116. 6. Yoshihiro Kaneko, Wei Yong (2015), Income Inequality in China and financial resources policy of social security, Social Security Research(Beijing), 2015(1)。 Working Papers 1.The Development Report of Qianhai Area (2013), Blue Book of Special Economic Zones: Annual Report on the Development of China’s Special Economic Zones(2013) 2. The Development Report of Qianhai Area (2014), Blue Book of Special Economic Zones: Annual Report on the Development of China’s Special Economic Zones(2014) 3. The Development Report of Qianhai Area (2015), Blue Book of Special Economic Zones: Annual Report on the Development of China’s Special Economic Zones(2015) Conference Presentations 1. Income Inequality and Income Redistribution of Pension System in China (in Japanese), The 7th Fall Conference of the Association for Comparative Economic Studies,2008.10.18 2. Relationship between Income Redistribution and Sustainability in Financing of a Public Pension System in China: An Application of Actuarial Projection Analysis (in Japanese), The 8th Fall Conference of the Association for Comparative Economic Studies, 2009.10.24 3. Decomposition of Income Inequality in China and the Effect of Progressive Tax and Redistribution Policy (in Japanese), The 67th Annual Conference of Japan Institute of Public Finance, 2010.10.24 Teaching Experience 2014.3 till now, Social Security in Japan. |